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Immunization Requirements

Click to view individual vaccine information. Vaccine requirements may differ slightly for those who are following a catch-up schedule. Please contact the school nurse with questions.

Each immunization entry must include vaccine type, date administered, and the name of the provider.

All students who enroll in Scarborough Public Schools are required by law to present a certificate of immunization or evidence of immunization or immunity against poliomyelitis; diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus; measles, mumps, rubella; and varicella (chicken pox).  Students entering grades 7 and 12 must also receive the quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4). Some exceptions to immunization requirements may apply. 

Starting on 09/01/2021, religious and philosophical exemptions will no longer be an option as an exception to immunization requirements. Medical exemptions will continue to be allowed, and there is an exception for those students with an Individualized Education Plan and either philosophical or religious exemption that is in place prior to September 1, 2021. 

To comply with immunization law, starting on 9/1/2021, students need one of the following in place to enroll in school or to attend school/school activities:

  • A copy of the complete immunization record on file.
  • Medical Exemption:  The parent/guardian provides a written statement from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant that, in that individual’s professional judgment, immunization against one or more diseases may be medically inadvisable.
  • Immunization Exemption:  A student covered by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) on September 1, 2021, who had an exemption based on sincere religious beliefs or for philosophical reasons on or prior to September 1, 2021 pursuant to the law in effect prior to that date may continue to attend school under that existing exemption with a written statement from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant that they have consulted with and made the parent/guardian, or student if 18 years of age or older, aware of the risks and benefits associated with immunization.
  • 90-Day Waiver:  The parent/guardian provides written assurance that the student will be immunized within 90 days of enrolling in school or the student's first attendance in classes, whichever date is earlier. This option is available as a one-time provision.

In the event of an outbreak of a specific disease for which a student is not protected, the student may be kept out of school and school activities as advised by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The length of time a student will be kept out may vary depending on the disease and the length of the outbreak. 

Please contact the school nurse if your student requires a medical exemption, a 90-day waiver, or an exemption as specified above.