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Section 504

Section 504 is part of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to combat discrimination against individuals with disabilities in services, programs and activities administered by any entity that receives federal funds, including public schools. Section 504 provides protections for qualified individuals with a disability. For a student to be identified under Section 504, in most circumstances the school must conclude that the child has a physical or mental disability that substantially limits a major activity. These students may need specific services and accommodations in order to access the school program, but it may occasionally be true that an eligible child under Section 504 is not in need of any interventions at the present time. Eligible students receive an annual Accommodation Plan with input from teacher, staff, parents and student.


Section 504 Parent Handbook

Special Services Office

Scarborough Municipal Building Upper Level, Room 319
259 U.S. Route 1 / P.O. Box 370
Scarborough, ME 04074-0370
Phone: (207) 730-4130
Fax: (207) 730-4104

Chris Rohde
Director of Special Services
Phone: (207) 730-4134

Nicole Benham
Assistant Director of 
Special Services

Phone: (207) 730-4133

Michelle Newton
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (207) 730-4132